Please see below for our regular meetings. If you have any questions do contact us.

Sunday 9.45-11.00pm


The Lord's Supper

The Lord's supper is a meeting when Christians remember the life and death of the Lord Jesus Christ by taking bread and wine (sometimes called Communion). At this service we also worship the Lord Jesus through song, thanksgiving and the reading of God's word.

Sunday 11.30am-12.30pm

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Family Service & Sunday School

Every Sunday we have a service that lasts for one hour, in which there is a straightforward message that tells us what God has said to us through the Bible. This service is the most suitable for those who do not attend church regularly. Come at 11.10am and join us for coffee!

Sunday 6.00-7.00pm

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Bible Teaching

The message of the Bible is taught each Sunday evening. The Bible is God's message to all of us and therefore the teaching of the Bible is central to the life of the church. This service is recorded and can be found in the 'Sermons' section of the website.